We are four days into hiking Stages 20-31 of the Alpe Adria Trail. We started in Ossiach, Austria and are now in Trenta, Slovenia. The hiking has ranged from casual to challenging ascents and descents. But along the trails there are fantastic views and the effort is well worth it.
All Yours by Claudia Piñeiro
All Yours by Claudia Piñeiro; translated from the Spanish by Miranda France; Bitter Lemon Press.
I searched out this book based on how impressed I was with Piñeiro’s more recently translated Elena Knows. I do not usually read crime novels or thrillers but I really enjoyed her work so I wanted to give it a try and I am pleased that I did. Based on a husband’s ongoing infidelities, his wife Inés goes to great lengths to keep him safe and present in her life after an accident with his supposed lover. This fast-paced novel includes many twists and turns as Inés manipulates reality to fit her positive outlook of how her and Ernesto’s life will turn out. I like what the author was doing with the daughter Lali but I didn’t feel her story meshed with the adult’s shenanigans very well. Still, I enjoyed this dark and sometimes humorous story.
This collection of short stories explores the worlds swirling within the Calais refugee camp. The narrators toggle between smugglers, volunteers, and immigrants and deliver a blistering account of the border town. The authors expertly portray the sensation of living on the border, not knowing what will happen, when it will happen, and if it is even for the best. Short on plot and narrative development, this is more of a wake up call to the conditions people are living in within our midsts.
Dirty Work
Dirty Work: Essential Jobs and the Hidden Toll of Inequality in America by Eyal Press is a disturbing and enlightening read. Through his analysis of kill floor workers, drone pilots, and prison psychologists he reveals the dirty work we accept in America: work that needs to be done but is unpleasant enough we do not want to know about, or pay for. It is this hypocrisy of our society I found most intriguing. We do not say “don’t do this” to the work, but instead, “do it out of my sight.” He mentions this civilising process throughout the narrative and it is very disturbing. I am not sure that the moral injury he discusses fits the bill for teachers, but certainly I saw my time as a teacher carrying out dirty work for society: low paid, high expectations, looked down upon, and seen as the problem in education. And to this day, like the characters he portrays, I feel like I should have, could have, done more for those in my care.
Javier Marias
Very sad to see this. I have spent years reading his work and waiting for the newest translation, like the forthcoming (I hope) Tomás Nevinson. I was introduced to his fiction through a New York Times review of Fever and Spear from his Your Face Tomorrow trilogy. I loved it and went on to read all his translated novels. It is amazing work and completely mesmerising. I will miss his contributions to the world of literature.
Thank you Javier Marias.
Brandenburg Hiking: Brieseweg & 66 Seen Weg
I had a fantastic weekend hiking in Brandenburg in preparation for my September Alpe Adria vacation…clearly not enough elevation gain but there was some. Saturday was spent hiking the Brieseweg and then being a bit lost in the surrounding area. A very pleasant and calm place to get lost in though.
Last November, I walked the Briese part of this hike and the vast differences in seasons can be seen in the photos below.
On Sunday, I walked part of 66 Seen Weg which is a long distance hike in Brandenburg going completely around Berlin. This short section is a mere 40 minute train ride from my apartment. There are plenty of isolated trails along the way, but being so close to the city there is also a great deal of urban influence, adding color to another great day hiking.
Brandenburg Hiking: Bad Belzig
There is a great hike in southwest Brandenburg, one which I have done several times in the past, that I revisited over the weekend. The times I hiked it before, it was the middle of winter: cold, dreary, grey, and even a bit spooky. This time, the trees were full, farmers were working their fields, and the trails were a pleasure to be on.
I walked the south trail from Wiesenburg to Bad Belzig but there is a north route connecting the same two towns. The north and south can be combined to make a nice 40 kilometre hike. Combined, these trails are considered an art path with many sculptures scattered along the way. One of my favorites: the wolf sculptures, rebar and wood, about a quarter of the way into the south route and shown below.
A Momentary Disturbance of Air
Forge published this short story I wrote in 2019. The journal has since closed and is no longer supporting their online presence, so my story link is no longer active. I have fixed that by providing my story in full below. Of course, I understand there are still more paper copies available through Amazon if you prefer.
A Momentary Disturbance of Air
by David H Weinberger
She lives deep in a year-round arctic-like valley. Towering evergreens surround her decrepit house, blocking the sun’s ability to melt the ever-present snow. Frigid temperatures and glacial winds are constant companions. Deer, raccoon, moose, and rodents of various size forage in her yard, burrowing through the snow in search of elusive morsels to eat.
These seemingly inhospitable conditions cannot stop her from leaving her house, and returning. She works full-time in a nearby city. A short drive through the valley, followed by a shorter drive down the busy freeway, and she transitions to sunshine and greenery. She is a sales representative at an herbal supplement company. She has an innate knowledge of herbs and their medicinal and restorative powers, perhaps magical powers too, and hence is constantly awarded for her domineering sales volume.
After work, before returning to her snowbound oasis, she heads to the local bars to mingle with friends, drink to abandonment, and perhaps catch a lucky man to spend the evening or more with. Her standby drink is vodka: shots, vodka tonic, Cape Cods, Russians, in whatever way you can mix vodka. Top shelf of course. She drinks and dances. And talks. To friends or to potential partners. She slurs her words of affection through mists of vodka. And while she wins awards at work for her sales acumen, at the bars she wins virtual awards for her acquisition of men. With a little vodka on her side, she has no problem attracting men. Quite often, she takes them back to her home and shows them the passion they have been talking about over drinks and dancing. Most of the men desire to stay afterwards, but she always sends them away. Almost always.
It is not uncommon to have a man get caught up in her world. So caught up that he cannot leave and she allows him to stay. Such was the situation Mitchell found himself in not long ago.
They met at Gravitational Pull in the city. She was drinking vodka and he was drinking red wine, the only drink he cared for. The usual took place. She approached him, spoke to him, bought him a drink, and invited him to dance. Mitchell barely comprehended her words, the touch of her hands on his enough to understand her desire. They spent the evening alternating drinks and dance and soon no one else existed around them. It all unfurled as she planned, and they ended up in the valley drinking vodka shots and fucking into the morning.
This time, for reasons only she is privy to, she did not send him away. They stayed in her bedroom for the weekend and when Monday night came she invited him for dinner. Mitchell didn’t know of her past, nothing about her identity, where she came from, other men she may have been involved with. He liked her and thought dinner would be a good way to get to know her better. They ate steaks and ended the evening playing Scrabble and drinking vodka sodas. He stayed the night and it was in the air that he would do so more often. Mitchell did not quite know how it happened but he found himself in an ongoing relationship with her.
One month on. He is living at the house in the snow-covered valley. The sex started changing from unbridled passion to simply ambiguous. He senses a growing disconnect between them. As if her words of affection fail to match her acts of affection. And she has become cruel. Taunting him, finding fault. She has again been visiting the bars after work. She comes home very late. He thinks nothing of it though. Instead, he thinks she is overworked, needs to relax, unwind.
Two months on. The Scrabble board sits between them. Random words adding up to nothing. Mitchell views their lives as a Scrabble game. They build word upon word yet the connection, the meanings, between the words remain a mystery. The vodka he now exclusively drinks, helps make a few tentative connections. Helps to make the meaninglessness less obtrusive. Yet with each play, she speaks affectionately, playfully. As if each word were just another blank slate laid upon a barren board. No points, no scores. But she always scores. She is continually racking up points.
She plays as if she is winning the game. In spite of the real score. She plays as if she determines who wins, who loses. She knows the real score can change in an instant. And it can be manipulated. A fake play. A set up, someone falls for the deception, and points are earned. At least, secreted away for a later date, a later self-serving purpose. Mitchell is leery of playing Scrabble with her.
She tries to comfort Mitchell. Perhaps I can be of service. Perhaps I can assuage your fear. It’s just me. I’m here to help along the way. Her salvo. Her constant refrain. Words of affection. Mists of vodka.
No, Mitchell thinks. Fear is all I have. Don’t relieve me of it. It is the only remaining contact I have with reality. With the truth that seems so distant and elusive.
Three months on. Mitchell can no longer tell when the words have meaning or are just a disturbance of air. She is saying things for the sake of saying them. Mitchell is carried along. He listens and believes the words he hears, though the subtle smell of vodka tickles his senses and puts him on alert. The small intrigue in the mystery of her words. To go along or follow his intellect. He goes along and she gently continues to speak. Enough to keep Mitchell listening to what follows. She speaks of the future. Buying a new house. Raising kids together. But her words betray her feelings. She sees no future. Sees no together. Mitchell does. Mitchell acts as if they both do.
Four months on. She speaks as if her words were ordained. She speaks as if everyone, including Mitchell, can believe the sincerity of what she says. And she says plenty. Mitchell is confused by her pronouncements. With her endless smile, she claims that she is devoted to him and they need to hold on to what they have. But it is unclear to Mitchell what they have. He cannot hold what they have, cannot touch what they have. What do they have? Just her word that they are one. Her word that they are together. Yet she is distant and unreachable.
Five months on. She now speaks openly to Mitchell about men she has met at work or at the bars. She assures him they are just friends but there is a hint of untruth to what she says. Not quite a brick hitting him, perhaps a small pebble. Such is the distance he is willing to travel to believe her. She begins to spend more time away from home. He is alone in the house surrounded by snow. One night, when she comes home at three in the morning he confronts her about her behavior, her late-night outings. She assures him of her love and devotion. She assures him that she is simply unwinding after stressful days. The air moves around her lips but Mitchell fails to understand the words being spoken. And he begins to question her honesty.
In the morning, there is one more rodent foraging in the snow-covered yard.
Cottonwood Canyons, Wasatch Mountains
I recently spent two weeks in Utah: one week visiting family and one week recovering from Covid. One of the best things about visiting Utah is hiking in the Wasatch Mountains, specifically, Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons. I understand that the trails there are now terribly overrun with people, but on the days I hiked there were not too many. The altitude and the elevation gain were difficult to deal with, especially considering my Covid recovery period, but a welcome change of pace from the mostly flat walking in Brandenburg. It was great to be under blue skies, among trees and mountains, and walk next to running creeks. Thanks to family members who were able to join me on these wonderful hikes.
Camino de Santiago: Léon to Santiago
The past two weeks I walked the Camino de Santiago from Léon to Santiago de Compostela with a good friend of mine for a total of 276 kilometers. Several years ago I walked the section from Pamplona to Burgos with him, so I have done two large sections with a few remaining to have covered the entire trail. I am sure I will walk the entire trail at some point.
The trail was outstanding despite the occasional crowds, especially during the last ten kilometers walking into Santiago. Two days of hard rain and temperatures reaching 90 on some days did nothing to discourage my pleasure in every step I took on the trails shown above. I found the walk relaxing, enlightening, and meditative and it was good to be walking with my friend and sharing such great distances with him. It was also fun to meet some new folks, whether sharing beers, dinner, conversation, or games of cribbage.