Finally getting around to a few more posts about our holiday visit to Madeira. After spending two rainy days keeping warm and dry, and playing Cribbage, in our very cool pod…
…we finally got some good weather with the sun barely poking out from behind the clouds. We made our way east to the peninsula for an 8 km hike, along with everyone else who had been holed up the past few days. It was a great introduction to Madeira hikes with a mix of rolling hills and sheer cliffs dropping off into the ocean. The trail was crowded and muddy but amazingly beautiful and fun to walk. There is a snack bar half way through but we bypassed this and finally made it to the fabulous endpoint just before a sprinkle started and muddied things up even more. On the way back, we took a tributary leading to a solitary beach and enjoyed a few snacks while we listened to the waves crashing upon shore. Don’t miss this wonderful hike when you visit Madeira!