Book Report: October 2020


I walked a long distance trail this month so I was able to read a couple more books than normal. Despite traveling with my e-reader, I still focused on getting through my to-read pile of physical books, which I much prefer anyway. Nothing really blew me away in this batch but still a few books I enjoyed and can recommend. Two out of Spain: Fernando Aramburu’s Homeland, translated by Alfred MacAdams, and The Invisible Guardian by Dolores Redondo, translated by Isabelle Kaufeler. And from the Swedish, the always impressive Lina Wolff and her short story collection Many People Die Like You, translated by Saskia Vogel.

October stats in brief: 12 books read (11 in English translation); 10 novels and 2 short story collections; 3142 pages; 9 languages represented from 10 countries; 4 ebooks and 8 real books; authors: 6 male and 6 female; translators: 5 male, 5 female and 1 team.

Photo courtesy of Ben White on Unsplash.